Lucia Elamaa
Dear sisters,
When I was young, I never felt safe between other women. Other girls, back then. Even though the boys bullied me a lot, it felt more safe to be one of the guys, then be one of the girls. I made myself tough and made a lot of jokes, to distract them from the real me. I felt ashamed.
When I got in touch with women’s-circles, I felt a deep longing to be there, but still it felt very uncomfortable. With the strong support of sisters, I went anyway.
This longing for connection and something deeper was bigger.
This sisterhood helped me heal so much! I felt welcome, safe, seen, and connected! I could be me, the whóle me! No more hiding. No more feeling ashamed! This was the fertile soil for me to flourish and share my medicine.
This is one of the biggest reasons for me why I started Wild Woman Fest with Margo and Alette. To facilitate a place where women come together in a safe environment, to be who you are and share your medicine.
I love to nourish your heart, with playfulness, fun, reflection, and deep rituals, so you can flourish too!
So dear sisters: you are so so welcome! I’d love to meet you. And see you. The whole you.
With love,
Lucia Elämää
Sacred Leadership Voulenteers
Louise Marius
info coming soon
Sacred Leadership Media
Pascale Boots
info coming soon
Alette Wttewaall
Dear beautiful women,
Being a woman in this, sometimes overwhelming, world can be hard. I survived a long time by being more masculine than i felt. . Carrying all of my own baggage (literally) and never sit on the back of a bicycle (picture my boyfriend on the back while i struggle to get us through the city )
Now I have learned that it is okay to let my guard down and be vulnerable, to show myself for who I truly am. This is something that used to scare the shit out of me, and I had learned how to mask it (mostly to myself) by ignoring my soft side, my feminine side and my sensitivity.
I needed to learn that I could trust myself, that I could stay grounded and survive when I showed myself authenticity. And then the magic could happen, then I started to shine!
I still find it scary sometimes, but most of the times i feel such a big urge coming up that i can not ignore it and have to follow my light. I have my own company already for 20 years, giving workshops, making art, coaching and organizing festivals. More and more the things that I do become the things that I am.
Wild Woman Fest is one of those things that truly have my heart. It is a place to be yourself, to practice and find out who you are and want to be.
I hope i can meet you there and see your beautiful pure self <3
Love, Alette
Sacred Leadership Marketing
Mae Belteyn
info coming soon
Margo Awanata
Hey Sisters,
When I was still in school I got bullied a a lot, especially by populair girls, and if I was not bullied I was ignored. This felt even worse. I just didn't fit in and I did not know what to do about it.
After an intense healing journey I started to facilitate Women's work over 20 years ago. I wanted to create a space where every women felt loved, welcome and inspired...without having to "fit in". The feeling that by just by showing up you would be welcomed in the warm embrace of a tribe...a Sisterhood.
This is what Wild woman Fest is for me. That place you know that you are welcome. A place where you do not have to fit in but are welcome just the way you are.
My biggest passion is creating sacred rituals that help us to remember what is sacred and helping women to remember who they are behind the walls they had to build to feel save.
Love, Margo
Sacred Leadership Media
Coca Roman
Sweet sisters,
Growing up as an only child I always longed for sisters. I turned into a social butterfly and discovered that they were around me all along...I just didn't see it clearly. In my experience this happens often whith those things right in front of your nose.
I have gotten the most harsh and hurtful judgement from women and at the same time I received the most beautiful words and loving acts of kindness too. Just like siblings.
The real magic happens when women support eacht other instead of bringing each other down. There is so much power in women gathering in positivity and love. We can create the most amazing powerful energy just by reaching out...usually to those right in front of our nose.
Lots of love, Coca